DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.171
Study on the Development and Formation of the Modern Urban Planning System in Japan and Korea

Fu Shulan

Keywords: Japan; Korea; Modern; Urban Planning; Development Path; Historical Institutionalism


This paper studies the development and formation of the modern urban planning system in Japan and Korea, based on a literature review and the research method of Historical Institutionalism. Comparing the results, it can be seen that the two countries have very similar development paths, which have gone through three main stages in succession: the exploratory period of imitating and learning from foreign countries, the “Shi-ku-kai-sei” period in which the local self-government focuses on improvement of existing urban areas, and the state-led promotion of the "Urban Planning" legislation period. At the same time, since modern Korea experienced a long period of Japanese rule, the origin and technical characteristics of the two countries' systems also showed very similar characteristics. However, due to the great differences between the two countries in the critical junctures of historical process, they ultimately lead to diverse development results in the specific development level. Japan has formed a relatively complete dual urban planning system characterized by centralization, a combination of "urban planning" and "regional planning". Korea only promulgated simplified local laws and regulations in response to the needs of war, and formed modern urban planning features based on the "Korean Street Planning Order" and cooperating with large-scale projects.


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