DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.185
A Historical Institutional Approach to Chinese Planning Historic Studies

Hou Li

Keywords: New Institutionalism; Historical Institutionalism; Comparative-Historical Analysis; Path Dependence; Planning History


The paper attempts to introduce new institutional approach from political science, especially the so-called “historical institutionalism”, including the concepts of path dependence, bounded rationality and critical junctures, to the historical study of Chinese urban planning. The author argues there shall be more attention paid to planning as an institution and planners are professional practitioners as well as social actors with bounded rationality. Historic institutionalism offers an applicable theoretical framework to analyze the evolution of planning institution, to inquire its relationship to national political, social and economic structures. In doing so, research in planning history can move from largely descriptive studies to a more interpretive one.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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