DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.286
“Vitalit?ts-Check” for Endogenous Development of Rural Communities: Practice in Bavaria, Germany and Its Enlightenments

Gan Jing, Qian Lingyan, Yang Xiu

Keywords: Vitalit?ts-Check; Endogenous Development(Innenentwicklung); Land Management Database; Development Potential; Supply(Versorgung); Bavaria ;Oberes Werntal


Scientific assessment of rural vitality and identification of rural development problems are of great significance to implement Rural Revitalization Strategy, to improve national governance system and to optimize territory spatial layout. The new rural vitality assessment tool“Vitalit?ts-Check zur Innenentwicklung für D?rfer und Gemeinden”(Vitalit?ts-Check)launched by the rural development authority of Bavaria Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry in Germany, aims to provide a basis for local governments and planners to formulate forward-looking strategies for village renewal, rural community development and cross-border regional community connection based on a comprehensive and objective assessment. This paper analyzes the new trends of rural development in Bavaria as the background to propose Vitalit?ts-Check, introduces the task, assessment area, identification of endogenous development potential, assessment indicators and expression of the analysis results. Application performance is reviewed with case study of Intermunicipal Alliance “Oberes Werntal” and the experience of Vitalit?ts-Check in Bavaria is summarized to put forward enlightenments to China’s rural vitality evaluation and activation strategies.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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