DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.073
Global Integration and Local Responsiveness: Analysis on the Spatial Embedded Characteristics of Sino-Foreign Cooperative Universities

Tang Shan, Li Ze, Wang Kailai, Cui Jianqiang

Keywords: Sino-Foreign Cooperative University; Embeddedness; International Branch Campus; Transnational Space; Spatial Characteristics


Driven by the internationalization of higher education, the number of international branch campus is increasing rapidly. By setting up international branch campus in the form of sino-foreign cooperative partnership, China has founded a special transnational educational entity that called Sino-foreign cooperative university. This paper systematically analyses sino-foreign cooperative universities’ embedded characteristics, studies their development status and spatial embedded mechanism. In addition, this paper takes four typical sino-foreign cooperative universities for example, analyzes the spatial characteristics of these campuses using the paradigm of “global integration-local responsiveness”, and studies the influence of the internal and external networks on the campus space under the influence of global integration and local responsiveness from four aspects: the transplantation of teaching mode, the integration of campus culture, the interaction of functional organization and the connection of gown and town, so as to provide reference for the development of higher education globalization.


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