DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.499
Methods and Evolution of US Urban Area Delineation With Its Enlightenment to China

Yi Xiaoxiang, Dong Wei, Zhang Huan

Keywords: Urban-Rural Classification; Physical Area; Urban Area; Boundary of Urban Area; Census


Scientific and rational urban-rural classification can realistically reflect the urban and rural population characteristics and urbanization level, while supporting the scientific formulation of urban and rural and social economic policies. However, China’s urban-rural classification and urban area delineation have always been defined by administrative regions, which hardly can adapt to the complex characteristics of urban and rural spatial development or reflect the urban and rural population situation. It will also affect the objectivity and rationality of social and economic policies. The urban area delineation of the US, over the last 100 years, has not only constantly adapted to the characteristics of cities at different development stages, but also fully embodied the concept of “physical territory”. This can offer many lessons to China, by virtue of fine delineation methods, to adapt with the complex features of the modern cities. This paper carefully introduces the standards, the methods, and the evolution of urban area delineation in the US and concluds with some inspirations for China from three aspects, namely the dynamic evolution, the core indicators, and the refinement of the delineation methods.


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