DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.491
The Management and Coordination of Spatial Elements of Super-local Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and Sectoral Planning in Germany

Zhou Yixiao

Keywords: Germany; Super-local Spatial Planning; Urban Planning; Sectoral Planning; Territorial Spatial Planning; Cooperation Mechanism


Germany has formed a mature spatial management mechanism which coordinates federal, state and regional spatial planning with urban planning and sectoral planning after long years of practices in legislation and planning governance. The planning types above have shown great differences in spatial element contents and banding objects, as the strategic and comprehensive spatial planning emphasis on restrictions on public authorities, while urban planning which is based on local autonomous targets at construction behaviors directly and sectoral planning has priority towards specific projects. Based on the interviews towards Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) and Department 32 of Dusseldorf District Government, this paper tries to compare the spatial elements of different types of plans and explain the legal based “mutual feedback principle” and conflict coordination regulations, in which way to summarize the cooperation mechanism of German spatial management and to provide ideas for the legal construction of China’s territorial spatial planning system.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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