DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.549
How Was the Color Harmony Thought Be Positioned and Applied in Japan’s Landscape Color Planning

Wang Guanyi, Lu Xu

Keywords: Urban Color Plan; Landscape Law; Color Harmony; Color Standard; Japan’s Urban Planning; Color Landscape


As a main idea of color geography, color harmony thought was widely applied in Japan’s urban color plans. Based on the research of color harmony thought connotation and Japan’s urban color planning system, the urban planning literature of Japan’s 20 ordinance-designated cities was studied comparatively in this paper, and it indicates the importance of color harmony thought and how it was implemented in Japan. It shows that the color harmony thought stems from the color geography, the research of urban color standards and the urban color planning system. Also, this thought is represented in the Japanese city color plans’ objects, standards, content and applications. Finally, the color harmany thought was accomplished by the methods of integral color harmony design, the color self-harmonization of building facades, the guidance for the use of building materials, public participation and the spread of the color harmony thought.


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