DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.650
Walking Scale for the Needs of the Elderly in TOD Areas: Interpretation of Location Optimization Plan in Japan

Liu Quan, Zhang Wanli, Qian Zhenghan

Keywords: TOD; Location Optimization Plan; Walking Scale; Aging; Compact City; Public Facility; Classification


Walking scale or walkable radius is one important basis to define the planning circle boundary for TOD areas. When determining the walking scale, emphasis is placed on average standards of the majority people, but special attention to the elderly and other specific groups is lacking. In recent years, Japan has developed the Location Optimization Plan widely, which has many similarities to TOD planning in terms of planning concepts and spatial patterns. One of the commonalities is to define the scope and divide the planning circle according to the walking scale. In rail station and bus station areas, the walking scale of Location Optimization Plan is similar to that of the TOD mode, but there are some differences in the connotations of walking scale. In Location Optimization Plan, the walking scale of station area pays more attention to the walking demands of the elderly. Based on the perspective of elderly people, the walking scale in TOD area could be summarized in three applications: firstly, as a planning principle to classify different levels and types of nodes; secondly, as a planning principle to divide different planning zones and adjust land use functions; and thirdly, as a planning principle to lay out public facilities, especially public welfare facilities. By adjusting the walking scale, Location Optimization Planning fully integrates the needs of elderly into land use planning and facility layout, thus making urban planning and construction more in line with the development needs of aging society.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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