DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.068
Architectural Project and the Agency of Representation: The Case of Nowa Huta, Poland

Written by ?ukasz Stanek, Translated by Yang Shan

Keywords: The Production of Space; The Agency of Representation; Architectural Project; Poland; Socialist City


On the basis of Lefebvre’s doctrine, this article explores the agency of representation in the production of space. As Lefebvre stresses, representations are a necessary part of the processes of space production. Representations result from architectural labour and inhabitants’ creation. Although the competition and negotiation between different representations lead to an expenditure of architectural labour in conclusion, they promote the production of space in reality. Using Nowa Huta, the “first socialist city in Poland”, as a case, this article discusses how the contested representations of space intervened in the dynamics of space production in the post-socialist period after 1989. Two specific issues, “the housing question in Nowa Huta” and “alley of roses”, are chosen as the specific reference points to develop the discussion.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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