DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.565
A Review of Residential Mobility Research in the 21st Century

Li Mengjie, Lin Sainan, Huang Jingnan, Li Zhigang, Guo Yan

Keywords: Residential Mobility; Life Course; Urban Spatial Structure; Housing Choice; CiteSpace


Residential mobility is not only an important microcosmic field to analyze urban spatial reconstruction and residential segregation, but also influences the public resource allocation such as housing, education and transportation. Based on the review of international studies of residential mobility since 2000, this paper summarizes and comments on the latest progress in three aspects, including the research perspective,motivations of residential mobility and results of residential mobility, and puts forward prospects for future residential mobility research in China. Research findings are as follows. (1) The research perspective is undergoing a change from static to dynamic, and life course is the main perspective. (2) Residential mobility is influenced by different levels of factors, but the influence of macro background on individual relocation decision and residence preference needs to be further explored. (3) For the consequences caused by residential mobility, the existing research began to pay attention to the subjective initiative of individuals on the shaping of urban space, as well as the impact of residential change on individuals’ health and subjective well-being. The future residential mobility research in China should combine the core ideas of life course theory with China’s unique political and economic background, explore new methods and new theories to provide theoretical foundation for urban spatial planning.


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