DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.488
Applying a Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard to Practice: Experiences of Nashua, NH; Norfolk, VA; Rockport, TX

Written by Philip Berke, Jaimie Masterson, Matthew Malecha, Translated by Meng Jiuqi

Keywords: Muti-plan Integration; Urban Resilience; Hazard Vulnerability; Network of Plans; Resilience Scorecard


Planning for land use and development is key to mitigating hazard events and the effects of climate change. Communities adopt multiple plans that directly and indirectly address hazard mitigation; the integration of local plans can significantly affect future community vulnerability to hazards. In partnership with community-based users, we tested and co-developed a Resilience Scorecard that enables local officials to self-evaluate the degree to which the network of local plans targets areas most prone to hazards, and then assess the coordination of local plans. We chronicle and evaluate the impacts of the Resilience Scorecard application process from the local prospective in three communities vulnerable to flooding and climate change, including determining changes in local capacity to proactively plan, level of integration of mitigation actions in local networks of plans, strength of land use and development regulations, public investments for mitigation, and physical and social vulnerability. According to the summary of practical experience, the application of Resilience Scorecard can effectively enhance regional planning capacity, promote planning integration and reduce vulnerability.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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