DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.169
Spatial Scale Problem of Jobs-Housing Relationship Based on Cellphone Data: Case Studies of Shanghai and Shenzhen

Zhou Xingang, Sun Chenchen, Niu Xinyi

Keywords: Jobs-Housing Relationship; Spatial Scale; Jobs-Housing Balance; Cellphone Data;Employment Self-containment; Excess Commuting


Jobs-housing balance has been regarded as an important strategy to reduce commuting distance and to alleviate traffic congestion. However, there are debates about the impact of jobs-housing balance on commuting. One reason for the controversies is that most existing literatures rely on the traditional survey data and are limited to a certain spatial analysis unit, resulting in various conclusions due to different spatial analysis scales. Cellphone data, with the advantages of large sample size and high spatial accuracy, can be aggregated into different spatial scales, providing new data basis for exploring spatial scale problem in the jobs-housing relationship studies. Taking Shanghai and Shenzhen as examples, this study systematically combs the spatial scale effects in the analysis of jobs-housing relationship from two aspects based on cellphone data: the measurement of jobs-housing relationship and whether jobs-housing balance can alleviate the commuting problem. It finds that the measurement indexes of jobs-housing relationship change with different spatial analysis scales. Compared with small spatial analysis units, larger units tend to have a higher jobs-housing balance level, better employment self-containment and less excess commuting. Moreover, the correlation between jobs-housing balance and commuting distance as well as employment self-containment will be significantly enhanced with the expansion of spatial analysis units. Therefore, it suggests that appropriate spatial analysis unit should be selected through multi-scale comparative analyses to reduce the interference of scale effect on the results of jobs-housing relationship studies.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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