DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.425
Reviewing the Research Development of Perceived Accessibility to Urban Parks and Its Application Inspirations in the Trend of Human-oriented Planning

Zhang Jingyuan, Tan Puay Yok

Keywords: Urban Park; Perceived Accessibility; Spatial Accessibility; Assessment Method; Influential Factor; Human-oriented Planning


Accessibility is one of the most important indicators used in urban park system planning, since the spread of services provided by parks largely depends on park usage, while park usage is closely related to the perceptions of potential park users regarding accessibility. In recent years, with the development of information technology and human-oriented planning agenda, the relationship between human and space tends to be more complex, which gradually transcends the traditional physical spatial relationship, and the importance of personal perceptions and preferences in affecting park use behavior becomes more obvious. However, physical accessibility which is based on geographical locations fails to reflect the whole picture of accessibility, which limits its theoretical and practical applications. Perceived accessibility incorporates microscale perceptions and preferences into its conceptual and assessment system, which is an important complement of physical accessibility. But current studies on the theoretical and practical applications of perceived accessibility are still very limited, especially in China. This paper focuses on the development of assessment of perceived accessibility, systematically reviewed relevant studies in China and overseas countries, and explaines the differences between perceived accessibility and traditional physical accessibility in the aspects of concept, measurement, and practical applications, so as to facilitate the development of theoretical framework and methodology of perceived accessibility, and provide theoretical references for the planning and refined management of urban parks with the prevalence of humanoriented planning agenda.


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