DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.453
Exploration on the Emergency Distribution Terminal System of Subsistence Goods Based on Convenience Stores: Experience of Convenience Stores in Post-Disaster Rescues of Japan

Jiang Kaikai, Gao Yichen, Sun Jie

Keywords: Convenience Store; Subsistence Goods; Distribution Terminal; Disaster; Japan; COVID-19


During the COVID-19 epidemic, the imperfection of the distribution terminal system in China has exposed. In Japan, taking both daily retail services and emergency rescue into consideration, convenience stores are combination of commercial facilities and emergency distribution terminals of subsistence goods, so that they have become the main places for residents to obtain living supplies after disasters. The Japanese case has certain reference for China. Based on the analysis of community commerce and convenience stores in China, this paper puts forward the idea of taking some convenience stores into the emergency distribution system from the wartime thinking. It also suggests that, in order to form an efficient distribution terminal system for emergency supplies, which are serviceable at both peacetime and wartime, convenience stores should get a balanced layout based on population distribution and the scale of neighborhood in the city. Besides, government should provide favorable policies to support and guide the development of convenience stores through cooperating with enterprises. Last but not least, it is better to get a moderate brand concentration for convenience stores so as to ensure the orderly supply of subsistence goods in post-disaster rescues.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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