DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.402
Public Product Orientation: Urban Village Renewal Under Polycentric Governance, A Case Study of Ningmeng Talent Apartment in Shuiwei Village, Shenzhen

Wan Chengwei, Yu Yang

Keywords: Public Goods; Polycentric Governance; Urban Village; Renewal Model; Shuiwei Village in Shenzhen


The existing urban village renewal model is difficult to meet the diversified needs of megacity socio-economic transformation and development, which has become a key factor in limiting the effects of renewal and transformation. Based on the perspective of polycentric governance theory, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional renewal model. After defining the four main bodies (government, market, villagers, migrants) and their roles in the renewal of urban villages, it suggests that the urban village renewal and reconstruction in China shall establish a polycentric governance schema with equalized collaboration and inclusion of migrants. Then, through the case study of Shuiwei Village in Shenzhen, it is found that the construction of public goods (interests) is an important catalyst for polycentric governance. In addition, the renewal strategy guided by “talent housing” supply as a low-cost affordable housing supply solution in large cities, has explored a new path of local governance for the nation. On this basis, the paper puts forward the path of multi-center governance renewal of urban villages, which includes: changing government affairs from management to governance; actively integrating the goal of enterprise development into the one of public policy and conforming to the law of market; strengthening the community cultivation and promoting the ability of autonomy; offering the “urban right” to the alien population to promote the development of civilization; using the urban public products (benefits) to promote the “compromise” of all parties; seeking for the relative optimal results of the collective in the renewal process; and promoting negotiation and cooperation.


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