DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.517
Community Governance in Tokyo: Collaborative Town Development and Emerging Models

Nakajima Shin, Tang Min

Keywords: Landowners; New Residents; Private Development; Public Participation Systems; Collaborative Town Development; Social Experiment


This paper discusses the collaborative turn of town development to address the emergent models of community governance. It builds on the empirical studies of three representative areas in Tokyo: two centrally located neighbourhoods and one peripheral town. All of them are facing a twofold challenge: (1) how to (re)build local community from divided newcomers and traditional landowners; (2) how to generate collaborative town development with the participation of government, diverse local residents and third parties. Through the analytical reading of each case’s socio-spatial evolution and contextualised practices of community development at various scales, this paper reveals the changing power dynamics between actors in the emerging local governance network. As a result, it demonstrates three local experiments of collaborative town development: associational development, progressive conservation vision, and intermediate support. We argue that future community planning (encompassing placemaking and governance) should recognise the diverse actors and their potential cooperations, as well as reconsider the mediate role of urban professions in building a shared vision of community development.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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