DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.696
Review of the Legal System of Protected Areas in German and Its Enlightenment to China

Chen Baolu, Shen Danfeng, Yu Sha, Hong Ying, Jian Dan, Gan Jing

Keywords: Protected Areas Act; Legislation System; Germany; National Park; Connection Mechanism


In the context of reforming protected area system with national parks as the main body, it is urgent to explore a legislative framework suitable for China’s protected area system. Based on the analysis of inadequacy and low level of current protected area legislation system in China, this paper systematically refines and compare the protected area legislation system in Germany in terms of horizontal and vertical classification. We analyze the legislation framework of basic law, special law and relevant law in Germany at the federal, state and district level. According to the characteristics of the legal system in China, this study learns the experience in Germany and refines the recommendations to the legislation system for the protected areas in China. This study explores the connection mechanism of national park act and protected area act from the perspectives of protection purpose, management measure, departmental functions and planning program.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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