DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.575
The Introduction of Certificate of Occupancy for Buildings in New York Zoning

Zhou Jianyun, Li Shuling, Pang Xiaomei

Keywords: Land Use Control; Building Use Control; Zoning; Certificate of Occupancy; Planning Implementation; Planning Management


Building use control is the extension of land use control. For the time dimension, building use control extends land use control from development stage to daily use after completion. For the spatial dimension, building use control extends the spatial unit of land use control from a tract or a lot to a floor area or a part of a floor area within a building, which is the spatial unit of usage and activity. The Certificate of Occupancy in 1916 New York City Building Zone Resolution intended to control use through zoning. This successful practice over the last 100 years is worth studying. However, China lacks the in-depth studies of the correlation between land use control and building use control, and the forward-looking proposals for the institution of building use control. Therefore, this paper introduces the institution of New York’s Certificate of Occupancy, including its content and form, the correlation and connection between land use control and building use control, the coordination and interdepartmental implication mechanism, the methods of information disclosure and public monitoring. It intents to offer a demonstration for establishing the institution of building use control in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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