DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.706
Research on the Implementation Evaluation Framework and Index System for the Planning of China’s International Cooperation Parks from Perspective of Multiple Stakeholders

Zhao Shengbo, Wang Xingping

Keywords: International Cooperation Parks; Planning Implementation; Evaluation Framework; Index System; Multiple Stakeholders


Planning implementation evaluation is necessary for the sustainable development and construction for China’s international cooperation parks (ICPs). Based on the review of related theoretical research and practical progress, this paper proposes a theoretical framework for the planning implementation evaluation of ICPs. The framework involves the development characteristics and attributes of ICPs with the purposes and needs of evaluation, and coordinately clarifies the content of evaluation after drawing on existing research theories and practices, combining specific planning categories and contents. This paper believes that the planning implementation evaluation of ICPs is a two-way interactive process to understand the development effectiveness and formulating development policies from the top down, and feeding back development requests and suggestions from the bottom up. Considering the expectations of multiple stakeholders on the evaluation, this paper proposes the overall evaluation plan of “implementation environment evaluation + implementation process evaluation + implementation effectiveness evaluation + planning work and result evaluation + sustainable development goal evaluation”and the evaluation index system taking the master plan of ICPs as an example. Finally, this paper puts forward guidelines for the evaluation by the development stage, industry type, and planning type considering the diversification of ICPs. This paper is of positive significance for enriching the researches of ICPs planning, and could be good reference for the planning implementation evaluation of ICPs.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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