DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.158
Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard and Its Application Value in Spatial Planning

Sun Cheng, Xie Wenlong

Keywords: Urban Resilience; Resilience Assessment; Planning Policies Assessment; Plan Integration; Spatial Planning; Multiple-plan Integration


The combination of resilience concept and planning system plays an increasingly important role in reducing the vulnerability of the city and mitigating the impacts from disaster. Different from other methods that cannot be applied in the spatial planning, ‘Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard’ is the first method to spatially evaluate networks of planning policies based on resilience theories. It can monitor the progress of collaborative reduction of hazard vulnerability of planning policies, and improve urban resilience from top to bottom. Therefore, after analysing the impacts of planning system on urban resilience and hazard vulnerability, this paper systematically summarizes the development stages, operation procedures and scores analysis ways of ‘Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard’, and takes Washington of North Carolina in the United States as an example to discuss its application. Then it also discusses the application approaches and prospects in spatial plan making, with a view to providing inspiration for the application of resilience concept in China’s municipal territorial spatial planning in the new era.


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