DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.659
Ontology and Mechanism: Construction, Evolution and Application of Field Theory

Du Yan, Liang Zhitong, Zhao Qian

Keywords: Field; Wholeness; Space; Mechanism; Ontology; Urban Field


“Field” is an area of active forces which can be used to understand and define the interaction of forces between objects. It first appeared in physics as a scientific term and has been widely used in the study of the interaction mechanism of objects under noncontact condition. This paper sorts through the scientific concept and various description models of field from the two aspects of definition of object existence and analysis of evolution mechanism, summarizes and refines the characteristics and significance of field, and makes it clear that it has ontological and methodological potential in formally describing the holistic characteristics and summation effect between objects. In addition, this paper points out the main steps of the application of field in space research, and explains it in details from the aspects of ontology construction, relational space structure and operation mechanism, mapping method and practical operation. The further application and development of the concept of field are also prospected: as a tool for analyzing psychological cognition, providing a perspective for urban planning and design, and explaining the dynamic system of cultural landscape.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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