DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.353
Characteristics and Experiences of Living Modes for the Elderly in Germany

Wen Fang, Zhang Bo, Ma Xin

Keywords: Aging Mode; Living Types; Assisted Living; Aging in Place; Community Support Networks


Germany is one of the countries that entered the aging society at very early time in the world. After decades of active response, Germany fulfills mature experience of theoretical research and practical work on development of aging modes and living types. This paper first introduces the background of aging in Germany and the characteristics of the elderly, and discusses the basic situation of German elderly housing choices. It elaborates the research and practice history of the living types for the elderly in Germany. Through comparison and induction, the characteristics of seven living types for the elderly are explained from the aspects on living space, service supports, advantages and disadvantages and development trends, etc. Also, the respective adaptability to elderly groups with different needs are made sure; focusing on concepts, categories, types, practice and several aspects, the paper reviews and analyzes each living type and aging mode in detail, and clarifies the outstanding advantages of each type. Finally, absorbing the essence of Germany’s development of living types for the elderly and considering China’s current aging situation and housing conditions of old people, it is deeply thought about the experience that can be used as reference, and then conclusions and constructive suggestions are provided.


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