DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.143
Effect of Russia’s Housing Security Policy from the Perspective of National Planning and Its Inspiration

Ding Chao, Sun Yi

Keywords: Russia; Housing Policy; National Planning; National Project; Operational Efficiency


Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia has led the development of housing security policies through national planning, and has basically achieved the “homeownership” and close to the legislative goal of “ownership rights”, and the housing affordability index has also entered the highest level. During the period, the housing policy tool developed from the initial special plan and priority projects to the unified national housing plan “Ensuring Preferential and Comfortable Housing and Public Services for Russian Citizens”, and finally evolved into a “national project” in the housing field, reflecting the Russian government’s attempt to fulfill the main responsibility of housing security, optimize the way of participation in housing security, and pursue the effects of housing security policies under the background of changes in the domestic and international situation. When the Central Economic Conference of China deployed the government’s key tasks in 2021, it once again proposed the positioning of “housing to live without speculation”. For this, it is necessary to refer to the advanced experience of other countries and introduce appropriate policy tools. In-depth analysis of the development process, characteristics and effects of Russian housing planning has certain reference significance for the improvement of China’s housing plans and the housing security.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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