DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.378
Basic Attributes and Key Planning Issues of Micro Green Space

Zhou Conghui

Keywords: Micro Green Space; Pocket Park; Planning; Green Space System; Spatial Layout; Urban Renewal


 In many high-density cities, micro green space has gradually become the main body in the expansion of outdoor recreation space. Because micro green space is one of unconventional green spaces, its planning is difficult to completely apply the planning paradigm adopted by conventional green space. Therefore, based on the review of the development of the concept of micro green space, this paper defines the connotation of the concept of micro green space, compares and discriminates the attributes of micro green space and conventional green space from three aspects of function, space and management, and identifies the particularity of the attributes of micro green space. On this basis, the key issues and countermeasures in micro green space planning are discussed from three aspects: function positioning, layout regulation, and development land guarantee. This research can help planners and government decision-makers to better understand the attributes and value characteristics of micro green space, and provide targeted ideas for the formulation of relevant regulation strategies.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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