DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.201
Modularized Organization Logic of Smart City Spatial Products Driven by Technology

Liu Quan, Qian Zhenghan, Huang Dingfang, Zhou Xiaobing, Zhang Wanli

Keywords: Smart City; Future City; Future Community; Spatial Modular; Spatial Product; Product Architecture; Complexity Science


The three elements technology, society and space influence each other in urban development, and the construction of smart city also has the characteristics of three dimensional integration. Spatial elements play an important role in the process of connecting technical elements and social elements and in the process of intelligent technology affecting social life. From the view of the essence of technology, technological innovation is often a new combination of known technologies, and technological development is characterized by modularization. The process of intelligent technology influencing the evolution of urban space also conforms to the succession law of technological development. Draw on the research results in the field of complexity science, the process can be divided into six steps. This process reflects the formation of new spatial elements by new technologies, the replacement of old spatial elements by new spatial elements, and the construction of new spatial structures by new spatial elements. The key part is the combination of intelligent technology and space carrier, and creates new smart city spatial products. Whether these products can play a full role based on human needs is the key to the success of intelligent technology in affecting the urban space evolution.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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