DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.135
Scenario Analysis Method in Metropolitan Strategy Development

Zheng Di, Wu Zhiqiang

Keywords: Metropolitan Strategy; Uncertainty; Scenario Analysis; Intelligent Platform; Methodology


Facing the uncertainty of future metropolis, the strategy formulation analysis method should carry out the systematic analysis of multiple plans, and develop to the multi-dimensional, cross-professional and flexible scenario. Based on the empirical scenario analysis of multiple metropolises, this paper deconstructs and analyzes the common elements of scenario analysis (interdisciplinary, multi-dimensional, flexible form), and combines empirical cases to give an elaborate account of inter-professional analysis, multi-dimensional path, flexible dynamics of scenario analysis organization and innovation scenario construction method. Based on the analysis of the common structure and characteristics, this paper summarizes the “Scenario Analysis Triangle”oriented by “Multi-Dimensional Scenario, Multi-Specialties Field, Flexible Content”, which has three specialties of multi-dimensional model deduction, cross-border comprehensive judgment and response to dynamic future. On this basis, this paper proposes a five-step scenario analysis and scenario construction process, which has the potential to form an intelligent analysis platform in the future.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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