DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.382
Reform of Russian Territorial Planning System in the Early 21st Century: Characteristic and Transmission

Li Wenmo, Lu Xigang, Yao Zigang

Keywords: Territorial Planning System; The 21st Century; Transmission; Municipal District; Russia; The Soviet Union


Russia and China have similar institutional transition trajectory. In the field of planning, Russia’s reform of territorial planning system launched nearly 10 years earlier than China, thus have certain valuable insight for China’s spatial planning. In the past two decades, Russia has experienced radical social-economical changes. During the transition period, Russia’s territorial planning reform is characterized by multi-level transmission, coordination of multi-types of planning and multi-field cooperation, etc. Based on the investigation of Russia’s reform in the field of territorial planning in the 21st century, this paper discusses the characteristics, the composition and the transmission of the territorial planning system developed in the Soviet era from the aspects of planning legislation, control and compilation. At the end, inspiration for China’s spatial planning are summarized, including “response to existing planning and legislation in history”, “multiple planning coordination oriented to economic development” and “planning implementation that takes into account both horizontal coordination and vertical transmission”.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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