DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.505
Who is Right and Who is Wrong? A Comparison of Lewis Mumford’s and Jane Jacobs’ Humanistic Urban Thoughts and Their Contemporary Values

Sun Hui

Keywords: Urban Thoughts; Humanism; Lewis Mumford; Jane Jacobs; Garden City; Ebenezer Howard


Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs are both important figures in the field of urban planning and representatives of humanistic urban thoughts, but because of their different professional backgrounds and research perspectives, Mumford and Jacobs have great differences in the concept of Garden City, including urban scale, systematic thinking, humanism and nature, as well as urban planning logic. In particular, there has been a fierce confrontation between the idea of ‘regional’ and the ‘progressive’ approaches to planning, which has also had a significant impact on the subsequent urban planning scene. This paper compares Mumford’s and Jacobs’s urban ideas, analyzes both the ‘Garden City’and ‘Modernist City’, to absorb the quintessence of urban thoughts, to summarize lessons of history, and to provide constructive guidance for the development of contemporary cities in light of the current situation of urban development in China. It also provides constructive guidance for the development of contemporary cities and prevents cities from becoming the sacrificial objects of industrial civilization.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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