DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.114
Rural Growth Machine: Research on the Micro Mechanism of Urbanization Promoted by E-commerce: An Empirical Study Based on Daji Town, Cao County, Shandong Province

Yuan Chaojun, Luo Zhendong

Keywords: Rural Growth Machine; Electronic Commerce; Urbanization; Micro Mechanism; Daji Town,Cao County


In the era of mobile Internet, the return of capital, talents, technology and other production factors to the countryside has triggered a new round of rural growth. The most significant phenomenon is that e-commerce promotes rural economic growth and urbanization. Introducing the growth machine theory, through the spatial analysis of Daji Town, this paper explains the mechanism of e-commerce promoting China’s rural growth and urbanization from a micro perspective. China’s rural growth machine based on e-commerce economy obviously has different characteristics from the urban context. China’s rural collective land ownership system provides space dividends for the initial launch of the growth machine. The integration of neighborhood and e-commerce economic elites in the rural growth machine eliminates the antigrowth force and makes the operation of the machine more sustainable. Grassroots government officials generally play an active role under macro strategies such as “poverty alleviation” and “rural revitalization”. The space of rural growth mainly serves the use value, and the pursuit of exchange value is low, thus reducing the possibility of a large number of profit eaters appearing. The advantages of rural growth machine and the avoidance of the disadvantages of traditional urban growth machine are the key reasons for the vigorous development of rural e-commerce in China.


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