DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.403
Exploration of Innovation District Mode in Transport Hub Area: The Case Study of Knowledge Capital of Grand Front Osaka

Liu Quan, Huang Dingfang, Qian Zhenghan, Zhang Wanli

Keywords: Innovation District; Comprehensive Transportation Hub; Future TOD; Smart Community; Urban Complex; Knowledge Capital; North Umeda in Osaka


Knowledge Capital project in the complex of Grand Front Osaka proposes to integrate perceptual knowledge and advanced technology. With the goal of creating a ‘node for communicative new business creative’, this project builds a compound and sustainable innovation place in not only science and technology field, but also in economy, industry, culture, lifestyle and other fields. It explores a futureoriented spatial construction mode. Based on the theoretical summary and trend recognition of innovation district, this paper proposes that Knowledge Capital fits the connotation of innovation district and belongs to the “Anchor Plus” mode, but differs from the general ones. It has the compound characteristics of relying on the central location of megacities and comprehensive transportation hubs to coordinate innovation resources. In terms of spatial organization, it has the unique features of innovation district mode in transportation hub area, which includes three levels: first, the expansion of the coordinating range of innovation resources at the city scale, which forms an innovation circle hub within 10 minutes radius of comprehensive transportation hub; second, the change of innovation district space form at the block scale, which forms TOD innovation blocks within a radius of 800 meters of the pedestrian scale in high-intensity development areas; third, vertical agglomeration of innovative functions at the building scale, which forms a complex innovation core as the carrier of innovation elements. This case could both enrich the meaning of innovation district mode and provide reference for the innovative development of high intensity urban core areas with similar urban conditions in China.


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