DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.194
Governance Modality of State-level New Areas from the Perspective of Risk Society: A Case Study of Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing

Zhou Zihang, Zhang Jingxiang, Yang Jieying

Keywords: State-level New Area ; Risk Society ; Governance ; Urban Entrepreneurialism ; Jiangbei New Area


Starting from the institutional background and governance characteristics of state-level new areas, this paper discusses its governance structure and local administrative power distribution. It enrolls risk society theory to establish an analytical framework among the administrative power, social capital and governance risks, with the aim of examining new areas’ potential risks of governance failure. Focusing on the relationship between risk distribution and the empowerment from upper government, through the empirical study of the governance pattern of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area, it demonstrates three examples of the selection of a coffee shop site, the Jiangbei International Health City project, and the mixed-development of substation. This paper also analyzes its governance system and intergovernmental power distribution and figures out logic of local government’s actions, which aims to enhancing governance benefits and eliminating risk. This paper then discusses the dilemma of affairs and power in the era of risk society. Based on this, it proposes three measures to balance risks and benefits, including: (1) using market toolkits to depoliticize governance risks; (2) reasonable distribution of powers and risks; (3) constructing the circuit breaker mechanism of local administrative power.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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