DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.335
Small Towns’ Development Strategy in Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study of Kamakura, Japan

Yin Qingmei, Luan Feng, Fan Kaili

Keywords: Metropolitan Area; Small Town; Development Strategy; Protection Measures; Kamakura


The development strategy of small towns in metropolitan areas is directly related to the problem of urban-rural integration. Kamakura, a small town in Japan, is an internationally renowned cultural tourist city. It has achieved a renaissance over 800 years of development. It not only fully excavated the cultural heritage resources endowed by history, but also fully excavated the location and actual resources, and took positive measures in protection and support. Based on a brief analysis of its development process, this paper summarizes four development strategies: to develop leisure and livable functions based on a good natural environment and landscape resources, to develop cultural tourism based on famous historical and cultural resources, to develop the animation industry and holy land patrol activities based on Tokyo’s superior industries, and to provide important support for the development of Kamakura based on the location that neighboring metropolitan areas; and four protection measures: historical style protection, urban landscape control, green space system protection, and tourism traffic congestion countermeasures. Therefore, we hope to provide reference for developing small cities and towns around metropolises in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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