DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.574
Brilliantness and Limitation of Rationality: A 60-year Review of Brasilia’s Plan

Zhao Shouliang, Lu Shixia, Chen Tingting, Higor Rafael de Souza Carvalho

Keywords: Rationality; Brasília; Urban Planning; Modernism; Methodology


2020 is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Brasília. By looking back on the great ideas and achievements of Brasilia planning, this paper points out three achievements of human rationality in Brasilia planning: the decision of changing capital; its urban spatial organization is distinctive and advanced; it creates an ideal and refined human settle-ment environment.On the other hand, it also reveals three unexpected problems in Brasilia planning: inconvenience in living, the spread and inefficient use of urban land, and the aggravation of social isolation as well as spatial differentiation. In Brasilia’s transition from “a great practice of modernism” to “the epitome of failure of modernism”, it further explains the significance and limitations of Brasilia plan by the angle of human rationality.


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