DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.390
Research on Urban Historic Block Regenration from the Perspective of Critical Regionalism: Taking Foshan Lingnan Tiandi as an Example

Liu Bin

Keywords: Critical Regionalism; Historic Block; Urban Regeneration; Tourist Experience; Lingnan Tiandi


In the process of urban renewal, how to deal with the relationship between the globalization and localization, traditional and modern is not only a problem in renewal practice, but also an academic topic worthy of attention. This paper takes Lingnan Tiandi of Foshan as a case, using critical regionalism to analyze and interpret the renewal process of urban historical blocks, and explore the perception and experience of tourists. It finds that in the process of renewal, Lingnan Tiandi skillfully deals with the relationship between regionalism and globalism, tradition and modernity through the reconstruction of material space, commercial space and cultural space. From the experience of Lingnan Tiandi, the tourists can get multi-functional spatial experience, diversified culture experience and multi-dimensional emotional experience in that space. The research proves that critical regionalism has a good explanatory power but remains to have limitations in the comprehensive practices of urban renewal.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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