DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.088
Evolution and Enlightenment of Rural Planning Research in Japan from the Perspective of Human Settlements Science

Zhang Ran, Feng Xu, Yamaguchi Hedefumi

Keywords: Science of Human Settlements; Rural Planning; Rural Planning Committee of Architectural Institute of Japan; Rural Development in Japan; Academic Conference; Research Characteristics; Evolution of Research Topics


Grasping the characteristics and principal contradictions of rural development in different periods of urbanization development is helpful for predicting the direction of rural development, and carrying out targeted research on rural planning theory and methods. Japan’s urbanization process and the problems of rural development in each period are similar to China, and it has always been the main reference country on urban and rural planning and construction for China. On the basis of sorting out the historical files, materials and documents of the past 50 years of Rural Planning Committee of Architectural Institute of Japan, which is the main academic platform for rural planning research in the field of science of human settlements, this paper analyzes the core issues and contents of academic conferences over the years since the establishment of Rural Planning Committee in 1967, so as to grasp the content evolution and stage characteristics of rural planning theoretical research in Japan after World War II. The conclusions can be used for reference to predict the direction of rural development and rural planning research in China, and reshape the theoretical system of rural planning in the field of science of human settlements. At the same time, this paper also plays a role of popularization and traceability for domestic scholars to understand the genealogy of core researchers, research institutions, academic platform construction process and its organizational structure in the field of rural planning research in Japan, as well as the background of hot rural planning theories introduced into China from Japan in recent years.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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