DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.719
Research on Community Governance and Resilience Improvement Under Epidemic Risk of Infectious Diseases Based on QRH Philosophy

Chen Shousong, Zhai Guofang, Ge Yifu, Yang Haifeng

Keywords: Quick Reference Handbook (QRH); Community Governance; Epidemics; COVID-19 Pandemic; Community Resilience


China has experienced a difficult struggle against COVID-19 pandemic. Although we successfully control the epidemic situation now, there are many lessons we need to profoundly learn in terms of the early community prevention and control process. In the first part, this paper introduces two core concepts of "self rescue in crisis" and "paradigm guidance" contained in Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) which arises from the field of aviation and is commonly applied in the flight risk management. Then the paper discusses the necessity of applying new ideas in the infectious disease risk governance, and analyzes the theoretical applicability of QRH philosophy for prevention and control of epidemic situation in the community. We compare the similarities of dealing with flight risks and controlling the epidemics and also explain the reference meaning of QRH philosophy for community risk governance practice. In the second part, the paper conducts a case study of Japan, which has a great disaster prevention capability and risk governance system of community around the world. Through Japan's struggle against natural disasters and COVID-19 pandemic, it could be recognized that the QRH philosophy has played an important role in the formation process of community-based disaster response capacity and the community risk governance system. Finally, the paper discusses how to form a bottom-up community risk governance ability at the level of specific measures, like making the disaster and risk response guidebook for residents and the community risk governance system, so as to comprehensively improve the community resilience under the risk of epidemics by using feasible new ideas and methods of community governance.


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