DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.643
The Interplay Between Privately-owned Public Space and Spatial Justice: The Case of Hong Kong

Jian Yi, Luo Jiemei, Wang Anqi, Hon Wan Edwin Chan, Chen Weizhen, Kin Wai Michael Siu

Keywords: Privately-owned Public Space; Spatial Justice; Accessibility; Social Inclusion; Publicness; Diversity


Privately-owned public spaces (POPS) have emerged as a common strategy to increase the stock of urban public space, improve spatial quality, and stimulate urban vitality. However, POPS have been criticised for being a product of the current gentrified aesthetic trend and as an exclusive space manipulated by commercial capital to achieve social control, leading to the discussion of spatial (in)justice. This paper explores the spatial justice performance in POPS from five dimensions, namely diversity of activities, security and management, proximity and walkability, publicness, and public participation. Through examining the subtle interplay and liminality between private ownership and spatial justice, this paper aims to shed light on how POPS can function as a mediator to moderate urban injustice. The results have important implications for urban policy and design, including achieving optimal allocation of public space and alleviating social inequality.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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