DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.598
Research on the Planning and Construction Mode of Livable Green Infrastructure in Seattle

Lei Cheng, Gu Yuqi, Fan Lingyun

Keywords: Green Infrastructure (GI); Livable; Construction Model; GI Planning; Seattle


As a multi-scale and multi-level network, green infrastructure actively pursues the balance between urban development and environmental protection, and has become an effective means to improve the living environment and achieve sustainable urban development. Based on the concept and application types of green infrastructure, this paper analyzes the construction model and connotation of livable green infrastructure in Seattle from three aspects: planning objectives, planning system and implementation management. The planning framework of Seattle's green infrastructure is based on five elements of open space, rainwater, transportation, biological habitat and energy-saving technology system, and its implementation management mode is “government leadership–multi-party cooperation–public participation”. Based on the experience from Seattle, this paper raises a livable local development model, and puts forward relevant suggestions for the development of urban green infrastructure in China from the perspectives of planning content, implementation scheme and security system.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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