DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.268
Application of London Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTALs) Technology and Its Exploration in China

Zhou Hang, Li Jiabin, Li Yuan, Wang Feng, Zhao Chenyang

Keywords: Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTALs); Spatial Planning; Urban Transportation; Land Use; Scenario Applications; London; Hangzhou


The accurate investment of public transport resources to match the urban land and space growth will be an important path to achieve high-quality development in the second half of Chinese urbanization. For a long time, London has incorporated public transport accessibility levels (PTALs) technology into urban space and transportation development, and has systematically established an application system covering functions such as urban space or transportation planning and monitoring, and public inquiry. It builds a bridge for the coordinated development of transportation and land use, so that the two can jointly support the healthy development of the city. This paper firstly summarizes the PTALs development experience in London; then it analyzes the necessity and adaptability of PTALs technology in Chinese cities, and builds an application framework system for citizens’ inquiries and assisting government decision-making; finally, taking Hangzhou as an example, six scenarios are explored from supporting planning preparation, implementation evaluation, and operation monitoring, involving transport, land use, population and other fields. We believe that PTALs technology can measure the supply level of public transport services, and can also become a quantitative assessment tool for the coordination of public transport and urban land development. It has good application prospects in the preparation and evaluation of territorial spatial planning and “urban physical examination”.


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