DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.343
Crossing Borders: International Experience on Water-related Affairs Industrial Heritage Conservation and Practices in Wuhan, China

Zhang Yang, He Yi

Keywords: Water-related Affairs Construction; Industrial Heritage; Production Unit; Protection System; Open Border; Wuhan


Water-related affairs industrial heritage is a type of industrial heritages that reflects the engineering remnants related to the production and supply of clean water. Therefore, the protection practices must be rooted in the protection framework of industrial heritage and also showcase its unique value characteristics. This paper draws on international experience and highlights the need to protect three crucial elements in water-related affairs industrial heritage: underground production facilities, open production units, and circulating production streams. Additionally, it is crucial to explore three targeted protection methods, including structural repair caused by corrosion and leaks, continuation of functional production, and site creation in the regional environment, to achieve precise protection content and paths. The paper uses Wuhan in China that embodies local, public and civic characteristics in early water supply cities as an example to further examine the protection practices of water-related affairs industrial heritage. Guided by crossing boundaries, the protection practice constructs the protection level of “facility-unit-streamline” and the display system of “structure-function-place” in the connection of above-ground facilities and underground facilities, function acceptance inside and outside the plant, as well as the overall value connotation related to the built environment and natural environment. This paper provides theoretical thinking for the practical problems of how to coordinate normative protection and precise protection of water industry heritage, and also provides reference cases for the study of the historical experience of infrastructure planning and layout such as social equity, resource sharing and spatial justice in a specific period.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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