DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.008
Analysis and Inspiration of Heritage Conservation District Protection Policy Based on S-CAD: Taking “The New Village of Barriefield Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Plan” in Kingston, Canada as an Example

Guo Chenda, Zhou Jian, Liang Henian

Keywords: S-CAD; Heritage Conservation District; Policy Evaluation Method; Barriefield; Canada


Based on the public policy attributes of the heritage protection guidelines, this paper applies the S-CAD (Subjectivity - Consistency, Adequacy, Dependency) of an policy evaluation method to evaluate The new Village of Barriefield Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Plan in Kingston, Canada, and analyzes its logic (effect), efficiency and feasibility, which confirms S-CAD can indeed combine political wisdom with professional knowledge, providing politicians and experts with “a set of common language” (purpose, means, results; effect, efficiency, feasibility; logic, moderation, and humanity), and it is a scientific and rational evaluation tool for planning policies. The introduction of S-CAD into the field of heritage protection policy is conducive to comprehensively evaluate the technical rationality and value rationality of the policy from the value and material level, and promotes to make more efficient and feasible policies.


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