DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.303
The Mechanism of “Institutional Distance” on Regional Integration and Its Governance Countermeasures: Experience and Enlightenment from Global Metropolitan Governance

Zhang Jingxiang, Wang Yu

Keywords: Regional Integration; Regional Governance; Institutional Distance; New York Metropolitan Area; Tokyo Metropolitan Area


The current pace of reshaping the global city-regional competition pattern has accelerated, and as China proposes to build a “dual circulation” national development pattern and a “national united market”, regional integration and promoting the formation of a complementary pattern of advantages have gained more urgent significance. Regional spaces such as metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations have become essential space unit. However, there are still significant institutional factors restricting regional  integration in China, which means the traditional administrative division system and localized management system can no longer meet the increasing needs of cross-border public affairs. The exploration of regional institutional space construction in New York metropolitan area and Tokyo Metropolitan Area has provided experience for China. This paper constructs the restriction mechanism of institutional distance on regional integration from three aspects of institutional space boundary, institutional space resources and institutional space scale. Based on the analysis framework, it analyzes the experience and shortcomings of the two metropolitan areas, including regional government structure, cooperation mode and regional spatial planning. Finally, combined with China’s governance system and development stage, for the problems such as insufficient institutional supply, weak non-governmental forces and mismatch of spatial planning in the current process of regional integration, it provides a possible solution to reduce the institutional distance effects from three parts: the extension and integration of institutional spatial boundary, the diversification of subjects in resource allocation and the supply of regional spatial planning.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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