DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.188
Intelligent Community Prevention Strategies of Foreign Countries Towards Elderly Livability Under Public Health Events

Yan Chuqian, Ma Hang, Wang Mohan

Keywords: Public Health Event; The Elderly; State of Daily Life; Livable Environment; Intelligent Epidemic Prevention


Social isolation means effectively protects the vulnerable and high-risk elderly population in infectious disease epidemics, but also causes a lack of social security services, disruption of living habits, and changes in behavior that negatively affect their physical and mental health due to the mandatory control of living space. How to build a stable and livable living environment based on safeguarding the life safety of the elderly is an essential issue in dealing with such public health events in the aging society nowadays. This paper first summarizes the non-livable environmental factors arising from the need for epidemic protection in the community and the hazards to the daily living status, physical function, and mental and emotional well-being of the elderly. Second, it explains the smart prevention strategies and characteristics adopted by foreign urban communities in dealing with such crises, and summarizing their support for a livable environment for the elderly in three areas: building public places and buildings with real-time monitoring functions, building online interactive platforms that provide various social support services remotely, and arranging smart homes and wearable devices for virtual sensing. At last, given the main objectives and constraints of the intelligent elderly industry and elderly health prevention work in China at the present stage, we propose to create a community intelligent interactive platform that integrates multiple needs of the elderly, to provide ideas for building a localized intelligent elderly livable community.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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