DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.121
Transit Oriented Shrinkage: Planning Methods of Location Optimization Plan in Japan from the Perspective of TOD

Liu Quan, Qian Zhenghan, Lai Yani

Keywords: TOD; Location Optimization; Location Optimization Plan; Shrinking City; Spatial Planning; Compact City; Aging; Urban Renewal


The phenomenon of shrinking cities has become one of the hot topics in urban studies and urban planning researches. In recent years, many Japanese cities have experienced a transformation from urban expansion to urban shrinkage and compact development. Under such background, a new type of urban planning named location optimization planning is developed to meet the needs of shrinking city in Japan. This planning emphasizes the concept of compact development, and is compatible with TOD planning principles. The planning practice of Japan shows that TOD principles can not only be applied to guide smart growth in the context of urban expansion, but can also play important roles in optimizing urban spatial structure in the period of urban shrinkage. The application of TOD mode in location optimization planning includes five parts of contents: urban structure, land use, urban form, station area pattern and facility layout. Location optimization planning can provide reference for the innovation of TOD in three aspects: (1) location optimization planning has been used for integration of multi-dimensional planning; (2) the planning has been used for land use adjustment in spatial planning; (3) the planning has been used for restructuring urban functions to cope with the urban shrinkage challenges.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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