DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.488
Between Welfare and the Market: Housing Cooperative Experience in Zurich and Its Implications for China

Dai Yishu, Yan Yaqi

Keywords: Housing Cooperative; Non-profit Housing; Middle- and Low-income Population; Housing Affordability; Zurich


Currently, large cities around the world are facing structural housing shortages, with especially serious housing affordability problems among middle- and low-income population. Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland, has developed a variety of strategies to tackle housing problems in the process of urbanization. Among them, housing cooperative is an important way for housing supply between social and market housing systems, which provides adequate affordable houses for middle- and low-income citizens. This paper sorts out four phases of housing development in Zurich since 1830s and the strategies facing corresponding challenges. Then, it further analyzes the operation system of housing cooperative, including the composition of cooperatives, the implementation of housing development, the management of rental housing, the planning guidance as well as the preferential policies and supervision of governments. In the end, it concludes with the implications on the solutions of structural housing shortage in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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