DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.064
Urban Planning Support Urban Transformation: Exploration on Panama City's Planning History

Wang Zhugen, Xin Guoqing, Li Baihao

Keywords: Planning History; Urban Planning; Urban Transformation; Planning Practice; Panama City


Since its foundation in the early 16th century, Panama City has undergone five centuries of urban planning practice, achieving a historic transformation from a colonial city to a national capital, which is a typical sample for the study on international planning history and urban transformation. Combined with the political and canal sovereignty evolution, this paper divides the development process of Panama City into four historical periods: the Spanish colonial period, the Colombian period, the US-controlled canal period, and the canal return period. Based on summarizing the planning motivations and practical actions of each period, this paper also makes a speculative analysis on the historical context of urban planning supporting urban transformation, and explains the motive force of planning practices and its relationship with urban space and socio-economic transformation. For the moment, the planning history of Latin American cities is still largely uncharted waters for the domestic academia. For this reason, exploring the planning history of Panama City will be conducive to fill the gap in this field, and from the perspective of historical learning, it will be more important to provide references for urban planning discipline incorporated urban transformation into the whole course of planning history study.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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