DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.271
Coordinated Development of Tokyo Rail Transit and Urban Space: The History and Its Implications

Cao Zhejing

Keywords: Rail Transit; Urban Space; City History; Transit-oriented Development; Tokyo


Tokyo has a high coordination level between rail transit and urban space among world cities. Tokyo has a centennial history of modern urban development and rail transit constructions. Understanding its history is important for us to gain experience for transit-oriented development in large cities. This paper explores the coordinated development history of Tokyo rail transit and urban space by examining its seven historical phases and investigates how their relationship evolves with time. It reveals that Tokyo rail transit and urban space facilitate each other where rail transit leads the urban expansion and multi-center development while urban planning supports transit system development through planning tools and legislations. Tokyo transit-oriented development has been driven by government and market power and achieved the multi-goals of transport service, real estate development, and community revitalization. When learning from the Tokyo case, we should also be cautious about its problems of unbalanced land use structure and long transit commuting.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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