DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.238
Practice of Disaster Prevention in Historical Districts in Japan from the Perspective of Resilience and Its Enlightenment to China

Li Yunyan, Wang Ziyi, Shi Ling, Li Zhenghao

Keywords: Historical District of Japan; Fire; Rain and Flood; Earthquake; Snow Disaster; Resilient City; Disaster Prevention Practice


As one of the important carriers of human cultural inheritance, historical blocks have been faced various disaster threats for a long time, and the losses have become more and more serious. Most of historical districts in China are mainly made of brick and wood materials, which determines that there are greater challenges in the protection and continuity of them, especially in the context of the global extreme climate and the increasing natural disasters. How to protect our country's historical districts from disasters, improve the security and resilience of historical districts has always been a difficult and hot point of research. Through combing and researching the resilience and disaster prevention capabilities of Japanese historical districts, it is found that Japanese historical districts adopt anti-fire ideas, rigid and flexible flood control resilience strategies, coordinated earthquake resilience measures, comprehensive utilization of snow disaster resilience, and systematic management and comprehensive disaster prevention improvement methods. The paper summarizes and analyzes Japan’s advanced experience in improving the safety and resilience of historical districts from the perspective of resilience, with a view to providing reference for the protection of historical districts in China and the improvement of resilience and disaster prevention capabilities.


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