2014年第6期   DOI:
Big Data Applications in Urban Planning: The Thinking and Practice from BICP


Mao Mingrui


Keywords:Big Data; Open Data; Quantitative Urban Research;BCL




Big data has been extensively discussed in urban planning and related fields in China. Considerable researchers from urban planning, geography, computer science and other disciplines have carried out a series of urban studies based on big data, which had an impact on urban planning via attracting the planners’ attention. This paper analyzes two main factors to explain why big data could influence urban planning: the open data movement and the planner circle on internet - especially on Sina Weibo. Then the paper describes the history of big data’s impact on urban planning through a series of events. Although several urban studies based on big data have emerged, the application based on big data in urban planning is very limited. This paper analyzes the main reasons that restrict big data applications in urban planning, and compares the difference between urban study and urban planning. Finally, based on the above thinking, the paper describes the big data strategic planning and applications of Beijing Institute of City Planning (BICP) from four aspects: strategy, base, research, and application.




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