2015年第1期   DOI:
The Theoretical Development and Transformation of the World City Research

黄亮 田星星 盛垒

Huang Liang, Tian Xingxing, Sheng Lei


Keywords:World City; Theoretical Development; Theoretical Transformation; Innovation


随着全球化的日益深入,作为国际城市高端形态的世界城市是近年来学术研究的热点,形成一系列丰富的理论成果。然而,在2008 年金融危机之后,既有的以金融资本为核心的世界城市发展模式遭遇困境,世界城市的发展与相应研究也出现转型倾向。本文的研究正是基于以上背景,在梳理世界城市主要观点的基础上,着重从全球价值链视角对传统世界城市研究进行了理论反思,并提出创新正在成为塑造世界城市新维度的观点。


With the development of globalization, the world city has became a research hotspot as a high-end shape of international city in recent years, and a series of rich theoretical results has been formed. However, after the financial crisis in 2008, the development pattern of world cities which took the financial capital as its core encountered difficulties. The development of world city and the corresponding research tend to transform. In view of above background, the paper focuses on a theoretical reflection on the traditional study of world city on the basis of combing up the main opinions. In addition, the paper proposes that innovation is now becoming a new dimension to construct the world city.






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